miercuri, 16 octombrie 2013

My life according to... Queen (leapşă muzicală)

Leapşa de mai jos este, cred, cea mai provocatoare dintre cele cărora le-am dat curs până acum. În primul rând, este în limba engleză (aşa era "în original" şi aşa am preluat-o, de pe o pagină Facebook a unei amice). Ideea este să răspundeţi la întrebări folosind exclusiv titlurile cântecelor unui singur artist. Evitaţi, pe cât posibil, să postaţi acelaşi titlu de mai multe ori.

Mi-a plăcut ideea şi am ales formaţia Queen, al cărei fan sunt de la 14 ani. 

Pick your Artist.

Are you a male or female?
Sweet Lady.

Describe yourself: 
I want it all.

How do you feel:
I'm going slightly mad.

Describe where you currently live:
Is this the world we created... ?

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
In the space capsule.

Your favorite form of transportation: 
I'm in love with my car.

Your best friend?

You and your best friends are:
A kind of magic.

What's the weather like: 
Rain must fall.

Favorite time of the day:
Lazing on a Sunday afternoon.

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Play the game.

What is life to you:
Fight from the inside.

Your relationship: 
The miracle.

Your fear:
See what a fool I've been.

What is the best advice you have to give:
Don't lose your head.

Thought for the day:
These are the days of our lives.

How I would like to die:
The night comes down.

My soul's present condition:
Doing all right.

My motto:
Show must go on. 

... as usual, leapşa este pentru toată lumea :)

Din foarte recenta mea experienţă, pot să vă spun că e un exerciţiu interesant. Pune lucrurile într-o lumină inedită şi deschide noi perspective. 

2 comentarii:

Elena M. spunea...

Pick your Artist

Are you a male or female?
Liberian girl

Describe yourself:
Pretty young thing

How do you feel:

Describe where you currently live:
Off the wall

If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Hollywood tonight

Your favorite form of transportation:
Fly Away

Your best friend?
Black or white

You and your best friends are:
Another part of me

What's the weather like:
Farewell, my summer love

Favorite time of the day:
Morning glow

If your life was a TV show, what would it be called:
Somebody’s watching me

What is life to you:
Greatest Show on Earth

Your relationship
You are my life

Your fear:

What is the best advice you have to give:
Mind is the magic

Thought for the day:
What goes around comes around

How I would like to die:
Whatever happens

My soul's present condition:
Workin’ day and night

My motto:
Keep the faith

Greta spunea...

Superb, Elena! :) Mulţumesc :)